Parts & Accessories
Kelvin Scale 5250K (Sunlight) 4200K 3850K 3500K 3200K (Halogen Bulb) 2600K (Incandescent Bulb) ...
Parts & Accessories
Parabolic Reflector
The parabolic reflector with its highly reflective "silvered" surface is featured in many of today's lights. Parabolic reflectors have been used in automotive lighting systems almost since the introduction of the automobile, and have been refined during the last 90 years....
Parts & Accessories
Unfortunately humans do not always see well enough. Yet our need to see doesn't end when the sun goes down! The risk of having an accident at night is about twice as high as during the day despite the fact that there is less traffic on the road. While the lights of modern vehicles are typically...
Parts & Accessories
Auxiliary driving and fog lights are intended for use solely as auxiliary lighting. They are not intended to be used for headlight purposes, nor are they certified for headlight usage. Auxiliary lights are designed to improve visibility during night time driving and inclement weather....
Parts & Accessories
Halogen Light Bulbs
Halogen bulbs are the most common type of headlight bulb in today's automobile industry. Halogen bulbs contain a gas mixture that includes halogen compounds that help some of the tungsten particles return to the filament as it cools. Thanks to this process, the light output...
Parts & Accessories
Proper auxiliary light aiming is the most important part of an installation. If the lights are not properly aimed they will not achieve optimum performance and they can be very dangerous. The danger comes from the beam pattern being aimed right into oncoming traffic thus blinding the oncoming...