
Can Studded Tires Be Rotated?

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In order to preserve the integrity of the installed studs: the rolling direction of studded tires should never be changed.

To achieve the best possible wintertime performance and longest lifetime from a set of studded tires, they should be rotated periodically to equally share the vehicle's workload. Tire rotation will help all four tires maintain equivalent tire wear throughout their life in spite of the different driving demands experienced on a vehicle's steering and non-steering positions, as well as its driven vs. non-driven axles. The resulting equivalent tread depths will help balance traction levels and handling characteristics, as well as help drivers get more life out of their set of four tires.

Tire Rack recommends rotating studded tires at the beginning of every winter season or every 4,000 miles, whichever comes first.

Studded tires should be rotated at the beginning of every winter season or every 4,000 miles, whichever comes first.

This can be achieved by rotating tires from front to rear on the same side of the vehicle. It is also permitted to remount the tires inside-out on the wheels to allow them to be used on other side of the vehicle if uneven wear due to camber is detected. However, it is critical to remember that, regardless of other changes made during rotation: the rolling direction of studded tires should be maintained in the installed direction and should not be changed.

Once studded tires are installed, drivers must commit to their rotational profile or replace those tires.

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