In addition to the tire's brand and line names (tire model), there is a lot of information provided by the manufacturer on the sidewalls of the tires they produce. Some of the branded information provides the tire's basic dimensions and identifies the week it was produced. Other branding lists the types of materials used internally to reinforce the rubber, along with the tire's maximum inflation pressures and loads. And others confirm the manufacturer certifies the tire meets various industry standards and measures up to the government regulations of the nations in which it will be used.
"In addition to the tire's brand and line names (tire model), there is a lot of information provided by the manufacturer on the sidewalls of the tires they produce."
While not all information is branded on every tire, the illustration includes the typical information found on many tires.
North American Load and Pressure Marking
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Service Description (Load Rating, Speed Rating)
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Original Equipment Approval Rating (Porsche Shown)
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